Lough Mask Mayo 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Relaxation Techniques - Body Scan

Just as our stress alarm system can be activated by our perception of threatening events we can also learn how to summon up the reverse of this - our relaxation response. Research has shown that there are 7 ways to control our stress response. Breathing is one of them. The body scan is another and it is very simple. The hard bit is deciding to do it.

Many of us are probably familiar with this if we ever tried Yoga or went to a relaxation class. Essentially it consists of systematically focusing on certain body parts and noticing how they feel as we tense and then relax these parts slowly. As you focus systematically on each part of the body you can use your breath to "carry" awareness into each part of the body.

This is a lying down meditation which can help us to get in touch with and get back on friendly terms with our bodies.

I first tried this last year at a relaxation class and I was horrified to realize just how tense and unwell my body felt. I was far too busy and "in my head" to pay attention to my body unless it was as part of a programme - Crazy Type A behaviour perhaps. A day later my GP sent me to A and E for high blood pressure. I think the experience of "checking in" with my body was important as it made me realise what a toll stress was taking on my physical health and was instrumental in getting me to visit my GP.

With all relaxation techniques you should check with your GP before trying some new activity if you are over 30 or have health issues.

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