Lough Mask Mayo 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The simplest way to relax is to learn to breathe properly. Learn how to control your breathing.

  • Sit comfortably or lie down
  • Try to adopt an attentive and straight but relaxed posture.
  • Now, notice your breath entering and leaving your body.
  • Don't judge your breath just notice as you breathe in and out.
  • Focus on inhaling and exhaling
  • Inhale by slowly taking the air down into your lungs (try to feel the air going down to your diaphragm), hold the breath for a couple of seconds and then gently and slowly exhale.
  • Try breathing in and out, counting slowly: IN (one, two, three, four), HOLD (one, two) and OUT (one, two, three, four).
  • When you have found the rhythm that suits you and is comfortable, focus on the words 'in' and 'out'. In your mind say, 'In - Out, In - Out, In - Out' in line with your breathing.

As you breathe in imagine the breath recharging or nurturing you. Whatever feels good or makes sense for you.

As you breathe out you may like to imagine yourself relaxing as you let go of tension.

Try to keep thoughts to a minimum by focusing on the breath and your 'In' - 'Out' mantra.

If your busy mind starts to wander don't judge it harshly just notice that that is what the mind tends to do and then gently bring yourself back to observing your breath.

Sometimes I imagine myself like my phone recharging!

Here you can listen to a clinical psychologist explaining the physiological effect of breathing in controlling the stress response and talking about how he uses mindful breathing and meditation to counter anxiety.

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