Lough Mask Mayo 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are we what we eat?

We accept that how we treat our bodies impacts on our sense of wellbeing and generally we pay lip service to the idea of healthy body = healthy mind. What is the evidence? Can we improve our mood and our thought proccesses by eating better. If this is such a no brainer why do we not pay more attention to the importance of food? Are we all a little bit ADDH from too much caffeine and sugar? The key food issues are quality and quantity. The What How and Why of our complex relationship with food.

Are there super mood foods?

'The really important research question in health is why we crave carbohydrates when we feel unloved?' Robert Sapolsky author of "Why Zebras don't get Ulcers".

Neuroscience developments suggest that eating certain foods ... aids neurogenesis

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