Lough Mask Mayo 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009


Much stress seems to originate from the way in which our minds perceive the world and the stories we tell ourselves about external realities. We can become caught up in the web of our painful memories and future fears in a very cerebral way. A consequence of this is that we may become disconnected from our bodily sensations and our 'felt sense' of ourselves and the world. When this happens we can get out of touch with the amazing resource that is our body. By focusing in on our sensations and thoughts in the moment we can reconnect with our stronger more solid selves and really listen to what is happening for us.

All the latest brain research seems to suggest that being attended to and attending to ourselves is healing and can aid neurogenesis.

Eugene Gendlin explored the concept of Focusing which is about focusing on what he called our 'felt sense'. You can find out more on the Focusing website

PS. But not while driving!

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