Lough Mask Mayo 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Àutogenic Training - AT

NB. There are some contraindications for some relaxation techniques which I will list below.

You can teach your body to respond quickly and effectively to your verbal commands to relax.
If we don't have the chance to recuperate from emotionally and physically stressful experiences our body chemistry can become unbalanced and our mood can be disturbed. We may develop high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, ulcers, migraines or rheumatoid arthritis or we may suffer from imbalance in the form of muscle tension and aches and digestive difficulties.

Autogenics has its origins in hypnosis research conducted by Oskar Vogt in Berlin in the 19th century. He discovered that we can create a state similar to a hypnotic trance just by thinking of heaviness and warmth in our extremities. In essence AT consists of relaxing, undisturbed in a comfortable position and concentrating on verbal messages suggesting warmth and heaviness in your limbs . In 1932 Schultz combined Vogt's autosuggestion with Yoga techniques and published his new system in his book "Autogenic Training"

Not suitable for children under 5 or individuals with severe mental or emotional disorders. It is recommended that you should check with your Doctor before beginning AT as in some cases it may be inadvisable or could lead to a fluctuation in blood pressure levels.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so interesting Penny, I hadn't heard of autogenics. Lots of information and advice. Well done.